Movies: Surreal, Suspenseful, Artsy, and Female-Centric


I watched The Fits yesterday night.  I keep letting myself in for these experiences that are not, for me, the most satisfying when I watch these art house films.  They’re so beautiful to watch. Often as not, the cinematography is beautiful and the plot is a seductive jigsaw puzzle. But also often as not, that irresistible mystery at the plots core is left unresolved.

Maybe you’re someone who is totally fine with that, in which case this is the list for you! But being someone who loves closure, I always feel frustrated and honestly a bit distressed by the lack of resolution.  And because I do truly enjoy the viewing experience, I’m not likely to learn my lesson anytime soon.

So a collection of unorthodox films verging on the incoherent, with philosophical themes and symbolic overtones? Aesthetically pleasing and little-known?  Films centered on women? Finales that leave you biting your lip and obsessively googling to find “the meaning”? Here you go. Continue reading “Movies: Surreal, Suspenseful, Artsy, and Female-Centric”

Watched and Read Over Break


Sigh. I’m back at Yale and it’s so sad because it’s so cold and not my home but at the same time it’s so good because Lily’s here and Minerva (my cat) is so happy to be an only cat again.

I have my new calendar up and I used my unpacking as a chance to rearrange and to admire everything I own. I think there’s a great value in taking the time to want the things you have. I also bought that pair of J. Crew houndstooth socks I’ve been ogling for months (I made Dad buy them for me as a going away present). Proud to say they were $5.30 marked down from $12.50. We had dinner at Blue State and I failed to get to Bass Library before it closed. I have a foot high stack of things to return (and even more to check out- I think my check out list may be on the table for tomorrow).
And I think the new semester is the perfect time to debut a new toothbrush. It’s time, you know?
Now that I’m back on campus, I hope that my pleasure reading and film viewing won’t stall out too much, but realistically I know that it will. Continue reading “Watched and Read Over Break”