Friday Links 6/2


Happy first Friday of June! It’s hard to believe we’re almost halfway through 2017 already.
And as I know you’re wondering, a brief update my spring summer resolutions:

  1. Yoga everyday: Successful, but mostly because I’m zealously practicing upside down tree pose (aka, a handstand)
  2. Dry brushing: Also successful- I’ve dry brushed once every day.  It’s been good for my skin I think, especially because it helps me remember to moisturize.
  3. Daily meditation: Failure. I haven’t meditated since I posted indicated my intent to do so.

And the image above is my new monthly desktop background. Alright, I think that’s all the updates.

Oh, no it’s not, I lied. Excitingly, this May that just ended was the highest-viewed month that List Mimsy has had, tallying at over 1,000 views. Thanks everyone! Continue reading “Friday Links 6/2”

Oscar Winners 2017

Wow. Well, I think we’ll all remember where we were when we saw the Great Oscar Error of 2017.  My love for films was at war with my love of an early bedtime down to the last minutes of the night.
By the time Best Picture rolled around my roommate had joined me and I was ready for the end.  I was spending commercial breaks tidying my room, brushing my teeth, washing my face, feeding my cat, basically throwing in the towel.
So when La La Land ‘inevitably’ won, my roommate left and I shut my laptop in unsurprised disappointment (I had been rooting for Moonlight) without bothering to listen to the speeches.  And then just minutes later my Lily (my roommate) shouted to me from the next room that IT WAS A MISTAKE AND MOONLIGHT WON?!
I think I may have whispered “Holy Shit” to myself  a few times in bed in the dark before drifting off in a deep sleep.

And today I’m reminded of why I don’t usually go to bed the same day I wake up (my eyes are so tired!) but I’m gratified to admit that most of my predictions were on point, and, had I had an office and had my office had a pool, I would have made some bank.
I also correctly guessed that Ruth Negga’s dress was Valentino, but I want to talk about the clothes separately so as to eke out my triumphs and enjoyment of them. 😉
So how did my predictions hold up? Continue reading “Oscar Winners 2017”

Oscar Noms

Incidentally, this is my 100th post!

I’ve been delaying talking about the Oscar nominations because I haven’t seen all of the nominated movies and I want to do things thoroughly.  But that’s an impossibility and in life we have to accept the inevitable lack of completion and closure (la la laaa) so let’s get it done!
Besides, I’ve been slowly chipping away at the list, there’s no time like the present, and I’m ready to wrap this up 😉

So categories, with the actor and the movie. I’m going to highlight ones I’ve seen and italicize the one I think should win. Continue reading “Oscar Noms”

Watched and Read Over Break


Sigh. I’m back at Yale and it’s so sad because it’s so cold and not my home but at the same time it’s so good because Lily’s here and Minerva (my cat) is so happy to be an only cat again.

I have my new calendar up and I used my unpacking as a chance to rearrange and to admire everything I own. I think there’s a great value in taking the time to want the things you have. I also bought that pair of J. Crew houndstooth socks I’ve been ogling for months (I made Dad buy them for me as a going away present). Proud to say they were $5.30 marked down from $12.50. We had dinner at Blue State and I failed to get to Bass Library before it closed. I have a foot high stack of things to return (and even more to check out- I think my check out list may be on the table for tomorrow).
And I think the new semester is the perfect time to debut a new toothbrush. It’s time, you know?
Now that I’m back on campus, I hope that my pleasure reading and film viewing won’t stall out too much, but realistically I know that it will. Continue reading “Watched and Read Over Break”

Movies Now

I’m taking a quick break from my thesis research ( O.O ) to bring you a list of movies CURRENTLY SHOWING IN THEATERS that I want to see (but can’t because… thesis).

Don’t worry, break is in about three weeks (my last exam is three weeks from yesterday, not that I’m counting) and then I’ll buy a movie ticket and sneak from movie to movie all day. Noooo, me? Never!
Actually, as far as I know the only time I sneaked into a film I was a toddler with my parents. And clearly I can’t be held accountable for that. Continue reading “Movies Now”