Saturday Links July 22


It’s a Saturday edition of the regular Friday links post, which you could look at as a very exciting new development or just sad evidence of my disorganization.
Truthfully, it’s neither: I’m visiting Lily this weekend and we were very wrapped up in seeing each other again (it’s been two whole months, which is a lot when you’ve just been living with someone for four years!) and the rediscovery of the film, A Bug’s Life.

A Bug’s Life was the first movie I ever saw in a theater, but watching it as an adult (for the first time!) has had a lot of unanticipated results. 1) I can’t help but recognize how far computer animation has come. It’s much more detailed now. 2)A Bug’s Life is basically a mashup of Aesop’s Fable (The Ant and the Grasshopper) and the classic film The Seven Samurai. Who knew? (Not three year old me). Continue reading “Saturday Links July 22”

Oscars Red Carpet ’17: Women

Agh, the Oscars always inspiring people to play it safe! I know it’s at least partly because the media can be awful in how it tears into the ‘Worst-Dressed’, so I can’t really fault anyone, but… sigh.
Color trends of the night: black first and foremost, white as a close second, metallics in third.
Groundbreaking, no?

And having just complained about the vicious tabloids, I’m going to be a teeny bit hypocritical and give a shout out to the few dresses I have semi sound-bite-y non-positive things to say about.
Naomie Harris’ dress had a butt cape. And without that design detail it would just be a kind of dull strapless white dress? And I thought I liked her shoes but then I realized the ankle and toe straps are switched in detailing, which is upsetting me more than it should.  It’s what I get for disrespecting the butt cape.
Dakota Johnson has a bladder pouch. Still trying to discern my feelings about this.  It’s very Victorian and has a lot of sheen, both of which I think I like, but it still comes across as kind of off? Maybe it’s just a hard dress to wear, and possibly not her best color.
I’m not sure what possessed Jessica Biel to pair that necklace with that already touchy metallic dress. I would have liked it much better if she had kept it simple, without the weird destructive effect on the gown, and without the necklace.
But still all of them are absolutely beautiful, and at least they did something different enough that one can say something about it.

And now a bunch of favorites 🙂 Continue reading “Oscars Red Carpet ’17: Women”

Stylist to the Stars, Oscars 2017

Tomorrow is Oscars day! Very excited to see who wins what (now that I’ve finally caught up on ALL of the big movies) and of course, who wears what.  After being inspired by both Man Repeller and Harper’s Bazaar, and perhaps a little bit by the foofaraw (be right back, adding that to my next ‘Words’ post) re: Meryl Streep and Karl Lagerfeld, I decided to free my imagination (within the narrow overlap of Oscar-nominated actresses/actresses in Oscar-nominated films and the collections shown at 2017 couture week.  Hope fully it doesn’t come too much across that I have vast preferences for some couture shows over others (because I could get another list out of that!), because I tried to be very even-keel and non-personal in my recommendations. I wanted to do this like a professional.
So, if I were *stylist to the stars*, what would they be wearing? Well, it would definitely be a more exciting Red Carpet showing 😉 Continue reading “Stylist to the Stars, Oscars 2017”